Advance: Label priority

If your labels overlap with each other, it must be because these labels have some of the same products. Our feature can solve this issue: Label display priority.

Label display priority could be greatly useful for stores using many labels, and the label conditions overlapped with each other

Here is a quick video on how label priority helps you organize your labels:

NOTES: Cases when using "Priority":


  • In this case, labels with higher priority will be displayed, and labels with lower priority will be hidden.

=> These will work properly only when you check the box: "Hide if products has higher priority labels/badges":

For example, 2 labels "Pre-order Now" and "New Arrival" have been chosen like this:

=> If both labels have the same condition to show on the same products,

  • The label with higher priority( New Arrivals) will show up,

  • The label with lower priority( Pre-order Now) will not display on those products.


If labels have the: same priority + both are ticked for the box: "Hide if products has higher priority labels/badges":

=> The label which is created first will display, the one is created later won't show up.

Ex: "New Arrival"( created April 20th, 2024) AND "Pre-order Now"(created April 22th, 2024) both have:

+ The same quantity( =0)

+ Ticked for the box: "Hide..."

=> "New Arrival" will show up, and "Pre-order now" won't display

If labels: same priority + both are NOT ticked for the box: "Hide if products has higher priority labels/badges":

=> Both labels will display

If labels have: Same priority, BUT 1 label is TICKED for the box, Another is NOT TICKED.

=> Then:

+ Label(s) is NOT TICKED: Display

+ Label(s) is TICKED: DO NOT display

Last updated